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How Hazelnuts Bring You Numerous Health Benefits

Hazelnuts—sometimes called filberts—are power-packed nuts

How Hazelnuts Bring You Numerous Health Benefits
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Hazelnuts are an ideal ingredient for a variety of food preparations thanks to their enormous health benefits. Health and fitness-conscious people can consume hazelnuts in a guilt-free way.

They can be consumed alone, roasted and salted, made into flavored syrup, as a part of a baked dish, or as a topping on salads and yogurt. Native primarily to Spain, Turkey, Italy, and the United States, hazelnuts are gaining popularity worldwide as a ready substitute for unhealthy snacks, and for good reason.

Knowing the multitude of health and nutritional benefits of hazelnuts will assure anyone of their goodness. They are easily added to any diet, due to the variety of ways in which they can be consumed, and can quickly become an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

Hazelnuts are rich in Vitamins like Thiamine, Vitamin E, Folate and more. These aid in anti-aging and keeping skin hydrated and rejuvenated. Hazelnuts can also improve the overall functioning of the nervous system, due to a high ratio of Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6, combined with Omega 3 fatty acids, which are also present in hazelnuts, helps fight stress, anxiety, and depression. What's not to love?

In addition to a multitude of vitamins, hazelnuts comprise a high proportion of minerals like Copper, Manganese, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Zinc. These minerals bolster up overall immunity and help fight diseases. Minerals like Magnesium help in maintaining bone strength and muscle strength. This mineral prevents cramps and muscle fatigue from physical exertion. Manganese adds to the digestive power, and prevents health issues due to low metabolism, removing toxins from your body.

Containing a good amount of healthy fats, and low amount of unsaturated, unhealthy fats, hazelnuts have the right combination of fats for a wholesome diet. For each 100g, they provide approximately 30% of the FDA-recommended daily intake of protein. They are also free of bad cholesterol and sodium.

Hazelnuts can easily help implement a diet plan for anyone who is aiming to lose weight. Just a cup of these nuts can fulfill your daily nutrient requirements. Rest assured that while enjoying these sweet and tasty nuts, you'll get a slew of health benefits.

Written by Christina Orso

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