Homemade Cashew Milk
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Homemade Cashew Milk


  • 1 cup Nature's Eats Raw Cashews
  • 3-4 cups water (less water makes it creamier)

  • Optional Ingredient List:
  • 5-6 Nature's Eats California Dates
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla, or 1 vanilla bean
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Cashew milk vs. almond milk. In the world of nut milks, these are the two most popular choices. Both are delicious, creamy, and fabulous as dairy replacements. But what about their availability? You will find almond milk in the dairy section of almost every grocery store across America. But cashew milk is not necessarily easy to come by. We suggest trying this Homemade Cashew Milk recipe to try it out for yourself.


  1. Place the cashews and water into a blender or high-powered Vitamix machine.

  2. Add the optional ingredients if desired.

  3. Start blender on low speed, then increase to high speed and blend until liquefied.

  4. Pour cashew milk through a nut bag to remove the fiber if desired.

Cashew milk is extra creamy with a hint of sweetness in the background. The texture and creaminess of the milk are determined by how much water is used. The more water that is used, the less creamy cashew milk will be. You can sweeten the cashew milk by adding in dates, vanilla, and cinnamon for extra special flavoring.

Beverages, Cashew Recipes, Get Fit Recipes, Healthy Recipes, Lactose-Free Recipes, Vegan Recipes